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Renée Darling

A Bug I Could Love

Mixed Media Painting © 2024

8IN x 10IN Canvas Panel


A Bug I Could Love? Yes, you heard that right! This little guy bursts with vibrant colors, strutting his stuff like he owns the garden runway. And let's face it, who wouldn't admire such dazzling beauty? Despite his tiny stature, he's undeniably cute—though he'd probably dismiss the compliment, he's got confidence and charm. Here's to welcoming summer with our tiny, colorful friend!


Acrylics, ink, paper, and watercolors were used to create this beautiful bug. The canvas is smaller in size and perfect for any home. It's also a canvas panel, so this is a thin canvas panel type of board. You can easily pop it into and standard 8x10 frame and viola! 


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A Bug I Could Love 8IN x 10IN Canvas Panel Mixed Media Painting Wall Art Decor

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